On July 16, Ali Fazal and Richa Chadha welcomed their daughter into the world. Actors Shabana Azmi, Urmila Matondkar, Tanvi Azmi, and Dia Mirza paid the new mother a visit a few days after the baby was born. On social media, pictures of their visit went viral. Shabana talked about her experience a few days after seeing the new parents. The veteran actress also disclosed the name her husband Javed Akhtar recommended for the baby during a recent conversation.
During an interview with Hindustan Times, Shabana disclosed that Richa and she belong to a group named ‘Dher Sara Pyaar’, along with Tanvi, Urmila, Dia, Vidya Balan, and Konkana Sensharma. She shared, “On that day, (actors) Sandhya Mridul, Konkona Sensharma and Vidya Balan were missing, as they weren’t in town. We wanted to have a baby shower for Richa, but that couldn’t happen. So, this was just a visit to see the child. This group is like a family. The joys that you get with family is what you get in this group.”
Shabana Azmi mentioned that Javed Akhtar had wanted to name the child Jwala Ali. She said, “Javed suggested they name her Jwala Ali. When I asked him why, he said Richa herself is such a firebrand, her daughter should have an equivalent name. But they have given her a beautiful name already.”
During the pandemic, Ali Fazal and Richa Chadha got married. The actors threw a lavish reception party and other wedding-related events for their loved ones in 2022. They had a female kid two years later.
In a statement together, the couple revealed, “We are tickled pink with joy to announce the arrival of a healthy baby girl on 16.7.24.”
During an interview with Hindustan Times, Shabana disclosed that Richa and she belong to a group named ‘Dher Sara Pyaar’, along with Tanvi, Urmila, Dia, Vidya Balan, and Konkana Sensharma. She shared, “On that day, (actors) Sandhya Mridul, Konkona Sensharma and Vidya Balan were missing, as they weren’t in town. We wanted to have a baby shower for Richa, but that couldn’t happen. So, this was just a visit to see the child. This group is like a family. The joys that you get with family is what you get in this group.”
Shabana Azmi mentioned that Javed Akhtar had wanted to name the child Jwala Ali. She said, “Javed suggested they name her Jwala Ali. When I asked him why, he said Richa herself is such a firebrand, her daughter should have an equivalent name. But they have given her a beautiful name already.”
During the pandemic, Ali Fazal and Richa Chadha got married. The actors threw a lavish reception party and other wedding-related events for their loved ones in 2022. They had a female kid two years later.
In a statement together, the couple revealed, “We are tickled pink with joy to announce the arrival of a healthy baby girl on 16.7.24.”
Actors Richa Chadha And Ali Fazal Announce The Arrival Of Their Baby Daughter