Actor Angad Bedi stunned the audience in 2016 with his performance in ‘Pink’, the film directed by Shoojit Sircar. In the Amitabh Bachchan and Taapsee Pannu film, he had an antagonistic part. Recently, Angad shared that when he shaved off his hair, his late father and former Indian cricket captain Bishan Singh Bedi, became enraged with him. So much so that, until the release of ‘Pink’, senior Bedi didn’t speak with the actor for 20 years.
During a conversation with Cyrus Broacha on his podcast, Angad Bedi remembered that his father was “hurt” and “disturbed” following a haircut he got for work.When the actor first started his career in Bollywood, he said he was told that his long hair wouldn’t work there. He continued, saying that the choice to chop off his hair was “purely” professional and that it had benefited him following the release of ‘Pink’.
The actor recalled, “Kya karta main? (What could I have done?) I thought if I have to go into it full throttle, I will do what it takes. Now, my father was upset for 20 years, till the time Pink was released. After the film, he told me, ‘Son, now you justify your haircut to me.”
The ‘Soorma’ actor disclosed that he chopped off his hair at the age of 19, and ‘Pink’ was released when he was 33. He claimed that he didn’t speak with his father during that time. After Pink’s triumph, Angad’s father hugged him and counseled him to pick his films carefully. He was also blessed by his proud father for choosing the correct path for himself. Angad went on to say that many people had encouraged him to grow his hair out again and that he would do it eventually.
During a conversation with Cyrus Broacha on his podcast, Angad Bedi remembered that his father was “hurt” and “disturbed” following a haircut he got for work.When the actor first started his career in Bollywood, he said he was told that his long hair wouldn’t work there. He continued, saying that the choice to chop off his hair was “purely” professional and that it had benefited him following the release of ‘Pink’.
The actor recalled, “Kya karta main? (What could I have done?) I thought if I have to go into it full throttle, I will do what it takes. Now, my father was upset for 20 years, till the time Pink was released. After the film, he told me, ‘Son, now you justify your haircut to me.”
The ‘Soorma’ actor disclosed that he chopped off his hair at the age of 19, and ‘Pink’ was released when he was 33. He claimed that he didn’t speak with his father during that time. After Pink’s triumph, Angad’s father hugged him and counseled him to pick his films carefully. He was also blessed by his proud father for choosing the correct path for himself. Angad went on to say that many people had encouraged him to grow his hair out again and that he would do it eventually.
Angad Bedi talks about winning gold medal couple of days after his father Bishan Singh Bedi’s demise: ‘This is my way of paying tribute to him’