The film’s collection details reveal a strong performance: Rs 8.5 crore from paid previews and Rs 51.8 crore on its opening day, August 15.The film then earned Rs 31.4 crore, Rs 43.85 crore, and Rs 55.9 crore over the first weekend. Though collections dipped on Monday to Rs 38.1 crore, it still garnered Rs 25.8 crore, Rs 19.5 crore, and Rs 16.8 crore on the subsequent days. By the end of its first week, the film had accumulated a net total of Rs 291.65 crore in India.
‘Stree 2’ saw a surprising 4.17 percent increase in collections on its second Friday, earning Rs 17.5 crore. On its second Saturday, the film is estimated to have brought in Rs 32 crore, boosting its ten-day total to around Rs 341.15 crore net in India.
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Aparshakti recently shared with PTI his excitement about his elder brother, Ayushmann Khurrana, joining Maddock Films’ horror-comedy franchise with Thama, formerly known as Vampires of Vijay Nagar. He expressed that they had long awaited the opportunity to collaborate on a project and felt that this unique world created in the film was the perfect fit.
Aparshakti mentioned that the brothers didn’t request the producers to cast them together in a film. Instead, he was approached for the new project after they had completed Stree 2. He hinted that while the characters will eventually cross paths, it remains to be seen if they will be portrayed as brothers and how their dynamic will unfold.