Bollywood actor and producer Aftab Shivdasani has sold his 1,304-square feet apartment in Mumbai’s prime Lower Parel area for ₹7 crore, according to property registration documents accessed via The transaction, which includes three car parking spaces, took place on August 17, 2024. The luxurious property is located in the prestigious Raheja Atlantis, a gated residential complex in Lower Parel, known for its high-end living options.
Raheja Atlantis is a sought-after residential project, comprising three towers with more than 300 units, available in configurations ranging from 2 BHK to 6 BHK.Currently, each unit in the complex is priced upwards of Rs 5 crore, according to publicly available data. Shivdasani’s property sale highlights the continuing demand for luxury real estate in Mumbai.
The deal, which was registered last month, came with a stamp duty of Rs 35 lakh and a registration fee of Rs 30,000. The buyer of the property has been named as Vaishali Pankaj Samdhani, as per the official documents.
This high-value sale comes amid a trend of Bollywood celebrities engaging in major real estate transactions. Just last month, actor Manoj Bajpayee and his wife Shabana Bajpayee sold their apartment in Mumbai’s Mahalaxmi locality for Rs 9 crore, according to property documents accessed by Square Yards.
Raheja Atlantis is a sought-after residential project, comprising three towers with more than 300 units, available in configurations ranging from 2 BHK to 6 BHK.Currently, each unit in the complex is priced upwards of Rs 5 crore, according to publicly available data. Shivdasani’s property sale highlights the continuing demand for luxury real estate in Mumbai.
The deal, which was registered last month, came with a stamp duty of Rs 35 lakh and a registration fee of Rs 30,000. The buyer of the property has been named as Vaishali Pankaj Samdhani, as per the official documents.
This high-value sale comes amid a trend of Bollywood celebrities engaging in major real estate transactions. Just last month, actor Manoj Bajpayee and his wife Shabana Bajpayee sold their apartment in Mumbai’s Mahalaxmi locality for Rs 9 crore, according to property documents accessed by Square Yards.
Aftab Shivdasani falls prey to a KYC scam, loses Rs 1.50 lakh. Deets inside