Recently, Shah Rukh Khan, who shares a close bond with Deepika, visited her at Mumbai’s HN Reliance Hospital after her delivery. On Friday, Radhika Merchant and the Ambani family also visited the new mom and her baby daughter.
The Ambani family’s visit came shortly after they attended Lalbaugcha Raja. Newlyweds Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, along with Shloka Mehta, accompanied Mukesh Ambani to offer prayers at the temple. The Ambanis, along with close friends from the film industry, recently bid farewell to Antilia Cha Raja.
In a video shared by a paparazzo, the Ambanis were seen arriving at the hospital with heavy security. Although visuals of the family weren’t clear, Radhika Merchant was spotted sitting in her luxurious car.
Shah Rukh Khan Blesses Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s Baby At Hospital; Internet Reacts
Before the Ambanis, Shah Rukh Khan and Mukesh Ambani had visited the couple. Ranveer’s sister, Ritika Bhavnani, was also seen at the hospital to meet her new niece.
Ranveer Singh is currently on a paternity break, as reported by Zee News. Both Deepika and her baby daughter are healthy and expected to be discharged soon. Ranveer has planned a special welcome for Deepika and their newborn at home, making their return extra memorable.
The couple has reportedly decided to follow a no-photo policy for their baby, keeping her out of the public eye for the time being.