The gorgeous and talented Bollywood star Yami Gautam recently turned a year older. The beloved actress was showered with heartwarming messages, but what caught everyone’s attention was the birthday post shared by her loving husband, Aditya Dhar. For the first time, Aditya Dhar shared a picture of his and Yami’s baby boy Vedavid to make the birthday girl’s day all the more memorable.
‘Uri’ fame director, Adity’s post for Yami included three pictures. It began with a sun-kissed drop-down gorgeous pic of Yami, followed by a goofy, playful image of the actress, and last but not least, the photograph that melted hearts featured Gautam holding their son Vedavid in her arms. Though Aditya didn’t show the child’s face, as he looked the other way, Yami’s joyful smile spoke volumes. This is the first time, Aditya took to his social media handle to share a picture of Vedavid.
Along with the post, he wrote – “Happy Birthday to my better half!! Love You Vedu ki Mummy!”
If we talk about Aditya and Yami’s social media game, then both of them are often seen posting things related to work. However, in between they offer their fans a glimpse into their lives, which paints the town red instantly. Like, on their wedding anniversary recently, Yami shared a post capturing some of their most heartwarming moments. Along with the same, she wrote – “Happiest 3. And quite literally now. #HappyAnniversarytoUs.” Aditya also celebrated the anniversary with a sweet post that featured wonderful pictures of the couple, and it’s caption read – “Dearest Yami, You were, are, and always will be the most beautiful woman in the world for me! Happy Anniversary my Love!”
Yami Gautam and Aditya Dhar welcomed home their son on May 10, 2024. The actress took a break from work and social media as she was busy with her mommy duties. However, recently, the actress shared a picture of her enjoying some panjiri from a movie set, making her audience aware that she can’t stay away from the filmy action for long. The audience can’t wait to get updates on her upcoming film.