Abhishek Bachchan recently made headlines for his performance in the movie ‘I Want To Talk‘, directed by Shoojit Sircar, which was released in theaters on November 22. Now, actor-director Anurag Kashyap has shared a detailed review of the film after watching it with his daughter Aaliyah Kashyap on their movie date together. He called it Abhishek Bachchan’s career-best performance and stated that Abhishek has truly come into his own.
Anurag took to his Instagram handle to share about his last movie date with his daughter, as her marriage is around the corner. The actor-turned-director described Abhishek Bachchan’s performance as a real cleansing for him as a person after a long time. “My daughter gets married in a couple of weeks, and we went on our last movie date together before I give her away to see @shoojitsircar’s ‘I Want To Talk’. It was like the deep cleansing of the soul watching this beautiful film with @aaliyahkashyap. I laughed and I teared up.”
Check out the post here:
He further shared, “Like Arjun Sen, we all have our personal marathons, and how unintrusively the filmmaker captures it, armed with a career-best performance from @bachchan (he has fully come into his own), and the two powerhouses, Reeya’s @ahillyeah and the little one, who I don’t know.”
The filmmaker concluded the note, “Still absorbing it and finding it hard to articulate my exact feelings because I cannot count the number of feelings I felt watching this film. Do yourself a favor and watch it while it’s still in cinemas. If nothing, it will definitely talk to you in ways you want but didn’t expect. You are special, Shoojit, and you know it.”
Top Bollywood Headlines, November 22, 2024: Amitabh Bachchan Celebrates Release Of ‘I Want To Talk’, Praises Son Abhishek Bachchan
A few days ago, actress Shabana Azmi also reviewed ‘I Want To Talk’ and heaped praise on Abhishek Bachchan.
Directed by Shoojit Sircar, ‘I Want To Talk’ features Pearle Dey, Ahilya Bambroo, Jayant Kripalani, Kristin Goddard, and Johnny Lever in key roles. The movie is currently running in theaters. It is inspired by the true story of an NRI who is said to be a cancer survivour and a friend of director Shoojit. The film tells the story of a single father and his journey of handling a complicated relationship with his daughter from her childhood.