Rashmika Mandanna is having the time of her career, last year she was part of Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal, which went on to mint more than Rs 500 crore at the box office . And now, her latest film Pushpa 2 has already become the 3rd biggest hit of Indian Cinema. The actress is gearing up for her next film, which is going to be The Girlfriend. Vijay Devarakonda recently launched the teaser and also gave the voice over for it.
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In an exclusive interview with ETimes, the actress opened up about how Vijay became part of the film. She said , “ So my director Rahul Ravindran actually asked Vijay to do the voiceover and I had no clue about it. So Rahul first gave me the teaser with his voice letting me know what he’s doing with it, and I was very happy with it. And few days before the release of the teaser, he sent me one with Vijay’s voice, and I was like what is happening, so Rahul told me that they asked Vijay to do that, and he was very kind and supportive to do it .”
The duo have done Geetha Govindham and Dear Comrade together. Talking about their equation she said, “We’ve done so much work together, like Geetha Govindam and Dear Comrade, were shot for like 1-1 years and thereon he’s been such a comrade, and always been supportive …”
“ The Girlfriend is very special to me as it is a very important story to be told. We still have to shoot few portions for the film and are currently looking for a date to release the film,” she added.