Varun Dhawan shares a close relationship with Salman Khan, resembling that of a younger and older brother. The ‘Bhediya‘ actor never fails to shower praise on Salman in public, and the big star of Bollywood is often lauded for his willingness to help others. Demonstrating this once again, Salman agreed to make a cameo appearance in Varun’s upcoming movie ‘Baby John’. Reportedly, Salman’s only queries to the filmmakers were regarding the shoot’s timing and location.
In a recent conversation with Pinkvilla, Varun opened up about his cherished bond with Salman. Reflecting on childhood memories with the superstar, Varun humorously remarked that he is still a kid near him and will always be a kid around him. Varun said, “He has such a large heart. And it’s not just because he knows me as a kid. He is like that with any kid.”
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The ‘Kalank’ actor further explained that part of Salman’s affection for him is rooted in his father, filmmaker David Dhawan, as they have worked on nine films together.
Varun fondly reminisced about his playful interactions with Salman from his childhood, recalling how they would sit together at the dining table. He shared a light-hearted memory of the superstar stealing his roti because he loved Varun’s mother’s paneer.
“He would rob my roti because he liked my mum’s paneer. When he used to have paneer, he would take away my roti. I wasn’t used to someone older than me doing this; at that age, it was surprising to have someone be so naughty with a child who was eight or nine.” Varun noted that Salman is still that playful in life.
When asked about collaborating with Salman on a comedy movie, Varun light-heartedly corrected the interviewer, stating that it would not be a two-hero movie.
He said, “It would never be a two-hero film. There would be one hero — Salman Khan, and then I would be there.” The actor expressed his desire for the genre to lean towards comedy, stating his love for the genre. He further added that he would like to collaborate on an action-comedy with Salman, but emphasised a stronger inclination towards comedy, stating his love for the genre. He added that action could happen incidentally, but highlighted their preference for humour. Varun emphasised that, “I don’t know how to be serious with him (Salman).”
Varun’s latest movie ‘Baby John’ is all set to hit the big screens on December 25, coinciding with Christmas.