Oscar 2025 nominations left India disappointed, the reason being that Kiran Rao’s ‘Laapataa Ladies’ was left out of the race. It was India’s official entry to the Oscars which has been declined by the Academy. The decision has been getting very strong backlash from filmmakers, actors, musicians, and the Indian audience.
Social media platforms have been flooded with posts expressing disapproval of the Academy’s decision. Recently, Ravi Kishan, who played a cop in ‘Laapataa Ladies’ shared his reaction to the exit of the movie from the final list. Speaking to News18, the actor expressed he is very sad, as he was hoping that India would make it to the prestigious awards this time.
Nevertheless, Ravi Kishan is also trying to stay as positive as possible. Intending to look at the silver lining he mentioned he is grateful that the movie has lived up to the aspirations of every actor and filmmaker.
He acknowledged that without the backing of any big face in the cast, the movie which was made on such a humble budget has managed to reach the global stage. “So, we’re proud of what we’ve achieved…We genuinely felt that we had a fat chance of winning the Oscars and bringing the trophy home. My gut feeling was constantly telling me that we’ll win,” Ravi added.
The actor who made a name for himself in both Hindi and Bhojpuri cinema in all his humility said he couldn’t have imagined that a common man like him could reach the Oscar. He also expressed that this time his movie couldn’t make the final list, there’s always a next time.
“I know that I’m a fighter and I’ll keep fighting. I hope that another great script will come my way and I once again reach the global stage,” shared Ravi
During the same conversation, when asked if he got a chance to speak to Kiran Roa, he shared that he tried reaching her but wasn’t able to. “She must be disheartened. She recently flew back to Mumbai after spending a month in the USA. She along with Aamir Khan was busy campaigning for Laapataa Ladies. They must be jetlagged. I call Kiran my lucky charm. She gave me my life back and brought me back to the limelight,” said the actor.
In conclusion, Ravi Kishan said that ‘Laapataa Ladies’ is a very local story and it is a matter of pride that so many people have watched the film.