The ‘Jigra’ fame actress Alia Bhatt is usually not very active when it comes to responding to the trolls. However, recently the actress’ patience was put to the test when trolls targetted Ranbir Kapoor and called him an ignorant husband. At Raj Kapoor’s 100th birth anniversary, a huge gala was organized, attended by all the bigwigs of the industry. During the same, the Kapoor clan stole the limelight with their stylist attires and ‘hum sath sath hai’ family pictures. As the pictures and videos went online, many accused Ranbir of ignoring Alia at the event and took to social media to disapprove of his behavior. Though Alia didn’t directly comment on the matter, her recent social media activity is proof that she stands by her husband. Earlier, she liked a video that featured Ranbir in another light and today, she has shared a series of pictures, out of which the last one shows the ‘Barfi’ star as a loving father.
The string of photos features random but memorable moments from Alia’s life. These pictures have BTS shots from what appears to be the set of ‘Love & War.’ And the picture that caught everyone’s attention, is the last in the post, which seems to be a photo of Ranbir Kapoor wearing a white t-shirt dedicated to their daughter Raha. The photo shows that the t-shirt has a teddy bear hanging off Raha’s name and Ranbir strikes a heart pose with the same. However, it is worth noting that his face was not seen in the post. Sharing the post, Alia wrote, “bits of here and there.”
The pictures garnered a lot of attention and love instantly. Comments like “Lo fir pyaar ho gaya,” “Stunning 😍😍❤️❤️❤️,” “How’re you so cute!” and more started flooding in.
As aforementioned this post has come after Alia reacted to an Instagram Reel defending Ranbir. The video titled – ‘The Ranbir Kapoor they don’t post about,’ was a compilation of clips from Raj Kapoor’s 100th birth anniversary where the actor was seen completely indulged in taking care of not just Alia but other family members.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Alia has two major projects in the pipeline – a spy thriller with Sharvari and ‘Love & War’ with Ranbir Kapoor and Vicky Kaushal.