Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal began their married life with a civil ceremony on June 23 at Sonakshi’s residence in Bandra West, Mumbai, earlier this year. The private affair was attended by family and close friends. Later, the couple hosted a grand reception at Bastian, a popular Mumbai restaurant, where several Bollywood stars joined the celebration.
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Now, after completing six months together as a married couple, Sonakshi shared a heartwarming picture with Zaheer on her X account (formerly Twitter), along with a touching message. On December 23, Sonakshi posted a picture featuring Zaheer holding her tightly around her neck while she placed a playful kiss on his nose. The duo were dressed in casual outfits and captured against the backdrop of the sea.
She captioned the post, “Happy 6 Months Jaan,” accompanied by a red heart emoji.
Recently, a video of the couple went viral on the internet, showing Zaheer playing a prank on Sonakshi as usual. In the video, she was seen peacefully watching the waves by the seaside when Zaheer carefully entered the frame and pushed her into the water. The actress struggled to regain her balance and then started chasing him to get her revenge.
On the work front, Sonakshi and Zaheer are gearing up for their second film together, ‘Tu Hai Meri Kiran‘. Directed by debutant Karan Rawal, the film is a romantic thriller that has faced delays due to legal challenges surrounding copyright issues. Their first collaboration, ‘Double XL‘, also starring Huma Qureshi, was released in 2022 but underperformed both critically and commercially.