Baby John‘ is set to release in theatres today amidst all the hullabaloo around the massive ‘Pushpa 2‘ which has now become the highest grossing Indian movie ever. While ‘Pushpa 2’ is now in its third week, it will still give a tough competition to the newly released movie today. Thus, there was also an issue going on in the division of screens between these movies, especially in the national chains. But ‘Baby John’ has managed to get a decent advance booking as it stands at the number 11 spot in the advance box office sales of films of 2024 as per box office India.
The movie has crossed Rs 3.5 crore in advance sales and sold around 1 lakh, 26 thousand tickets so far, as per Sacnilk. Thus, by adding the current sales of tickets, ‘Baby John’ may cross a double digit number on Day 1, also because it’s Christmas and a holiday release. The word of mouth for the movie will further decide how it goes in the coming days. The holiday period will be lucrative for all the films but a lot will depend on the kind of early reviews which the movie will get.
Apart from ‘Pushpa 2’, Baby John is also facing competition from ‘Mufasa: The Lion King‘. The trade feels that there was that massy vibe lacking in the trailer and there’s no hit song which the movie had before release. The buzz would have been more in case it had both these movies. Hence, word of mouth and public reviews from today will be a huge deciding factor for the film’s fate in the coming days.
‘Baby John’ stars Varun Dhawan, Keethy Suresh, Wamiqa Gabbi. The film is directed by Kalees and produced by Atlee and Murad Khetani.