Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli’s wedding was like a page from a fairytale. The two tied the know on December 11, 2017, in a dreamy intimate setting in Italy. The pictures and videos from their special day painted the town red in no time. Though it’s been more than half a decade, to date their wedding pictures, the cheer and happiness encapsulated in them, leave the social media in awe. And now once again their wedding moments have been talked about on social media as recently, their wedding photographer, Joseph Radhik, has shared an interesting detail about his favorite photo from the ceremony.
During a Reddit AMA session, Joseph, a renowned wedding photographer, answered several fan questions for hours. When asked about his best-captured photograph and the story behind it, Joseph shared “It was a photo of Anushka and Virat on their wedding day. In black and white, with him kissing her on her forehead. This is easily my favourite photo because it looks posed, but is 100% documentary. I was just grinning wide when clicking the shutter.”
Joseph has captured the special moments of several Bollywood celebrities, including Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal, Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth, and Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas. He often is seen sharing some beautiful pictures captured by him over the years. Here’s one of his old posts, where his favorite picture of Anushka and Virat is featured, along with various other magical clicks.
Meanwhile, the beloved couple of the entertainment world, Anushka and Virat have recently made headlines for their decision to move to London permanently. After their second child, Akaay’s birth, in February 2024, the family has been in the UK. Virat’s former coach, Rajkumar Sharma, confirmed the move, stating, “Yes, Virat plans to move to London with his children and wife, Anushka Sharma. He is going to be leaving India and shifting very soon. However, right now, Kohli is spending most of his time with his family apart from cricket.”
On the cinematic front, Anushka Sharma has been away from the movie for quite some time, but luckily for her fans, she will soon be seen in Chakda ‘Xpress, a biopic on cricketer Jhulan Goswami.