The live-action Mufasa: The Lion King, featuring the voices of Shah Rukh Khan and Mahesh Babu, has been roaring at the Indian box office. After a strong start, the film earned an estimated Rs 74.25 crore by the end of its first week. While it trails behind the record set by its 2019 predecessor, The Lion King, its upward trajectory suggests it could surpass those collections.
On its second Friday, Mufasa added an estimated Rs 6.6 crore to its tally, pushing its overall collection to Rs 80.85 crore. Among the language versions, the English original emerged as the highest earner, with collections estimated at Rs 29.15 crore, closely followed by the Hindi version at Rs 27.1 crore. The Tamil and Telugu dubbed versions contributed Rs 12.65 crore and Rs 11.95 crore, respectively.
The film is also giving tough competition to Bollywood releases. It outperformed Varun Dhawan’s Baby John, earning Rs 6.6 crore on Friday, which is nearly double the action film’s Rs 3.65 crore haul.
In Tamil Nadu, Mufasa has also been holding its ground against the regional hit Viduthalai 2. The Hollywood film gained momentum during the regular workweek, maintaining a strong grip at the ticket counters. With the New Year holiday approaching, collections are expected to rise further.
With Rs 80 crore net in its collection so far, Mufasa is on track to become one of the highest-grossing Hollywood releases in India. The film is just a few crores short of surpassing Godzilla Vs Kong: The New Empire, which grossed Rs 109 crore at the Indian box office. However, the Marvel superhero film Deadpool & Wolverine remains the top Hollywood earner of 2024 in India, with a net collection of Rs 139.1 crore.