Unni Mukundan led Marco’s run at the box office and was nothing short of a story of a phoenix, especially in Hindi. This Malayalam film opened to Rs 4.3 collection on the first day of its release, of which just Rs 1 lakh came from the Hindi version. But since then the film’s collection has been on a steady rise with week 1 collection ending at Rs 28 lakh in Hindi as per Sacnilk.
But it’s true magic hit the audience in the second weekend where its collection zoomed into the stratosphere as it minted Rs 1.7 crore over the second weekend and with Monday and Tuesday adding Rs 55 lakh and Rs 60 lakh respectively. But the final push for the film came on 1st January when the film crossed the Rs 1 crore mark in a single day in Hindi as it collected Rs 1.2 crore and thus taking the overall Hindi collection of the film to Rs 4.33 crore.
The film’s journey from Rs 1 lakh on day 1 to Rs 1.2 crore on day 13 is nothing short of a fair tale. In fact the number of screens for the film has also jumped many folds as it went from just 60 shows on day 1 in Hindi to now having over 1000 shows. The film has survived despite the Pushpa 2 pandemonium though it has been the debacle of Varun Dhawan’s Baby John that has contributed more to Marco’s success.
The film has been directed by Haneef Adeni and has been made on a budget of Rs 30 crore.Movie was recently leaked online and Unni took to social media requesting fans to not watch it , he wrote , “ He wrote, “Please don’t watch pirated movies. We are helpless. I’m feeling helpless. Only YOU can stop this. By not watching/downloading the films online. It’s a request.”