Varun Dhawan‘s ‘Baby John’ which also stars Keerthy Suresh and Wamiqa Gabbi had released in cinemas on December 25 which is Christmas. The fact that it released on a holiday, did help the movie in getting a decent opening number of around Rs 11.25 crore. However, it started seeing a major drop from day 2 onwards itself. And now on its second Friday, it has made its lowest number so far.
The number of screens of ‘Baby John’ have also been reduced in the last few days as the film wasn’t doing that well. Thus, due to the less demand, it lost around 2500 shows according to reports and hence, that would obviously also reflect in the lesser collections of the movie. On Friday, it made Rs 45 lakh. Thus, the total collection of ‘Baby John’ so far, is Rs 36.85 crore.
The film may end up being removed from cinemas with a lifetime collection in India of around Rs 40 crore. Meanwhile, as per reports, it could end up with a lifetime business of Rs 60 crore.
Meanwhile, the film continues to face a major competition from ‘Pushpa 2’ which is soon set to cross Rs 1200 crore at the box office. ‘Mufasa: The Lion King‘ which also released around the same time has ‘Baby John’ has done much better in comparison. The film made a total business of Rs 126 crore so far.
Clearly, ‘Baby John’ has underperformed as it was mounted on a high budget. The film directed by Kalees is produced by Atlee and Murad Khetani.