Sonu Sood, who is known for his versatility in Bollywood, has shared the screen with several big names, including Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan. While he played the antagonist in Salman Khan‘s 2010 blockbuster Dabangg, he portrayed a loyal friend of Shah Rukh Khan in Farah Khan’s 2014 film Happy New Year. In a recent interview with Shubhankar Mishra on his YouTube channel, Sood reflected on his experiences working with the two superstars.
Talking about his time with Shah Rukh Khan, Sonu revealed, “I had fun working with both of them, but I think it was more interesting with Shah Rukh Khan because we traveled a lot together: London, America. We had a chartered flight, and we were about five to six people, so we traveled together. It used to be a lot of fun. We spent a lot of time and played games.”
Happy New Year, a star-studded film featuring Deepika Padukone, Abhishek Bachchan, Boman Irani, and Jackie Shroff, gave Sood an opportunity to bond closely with SRK during their extensive travels.
When speaking about Salman Khan, Sonu described him as someone who isn’t particularly expressive but deeply caring. “Salman Khan is not good at expressing himself, but if he likes somebody, he loves them from his heart. He will make sure that the person knows that he is caring for you,” Sood shared.
He went on to contrast Salman’s nature with Shah Rukh’s personality. “In the case of Shah Rukh Khan, he is a very expressive person. If he likes something, he makes sure to convey it,” he added.
Despite their differences, Sood noted a shared quality between the two Khans: “One common thing between them is that despite all the success, they know how to take care of individuals around them.”
Sonu Sood’s latest film, Fateh, hit theatres today. The action-packed movie stars Jacqueline Fernandez alongside him and marks Sood’s debut as a director.