Ajith Kumar has once again proven his mettle, not only as an actor but also as a passionate racer. Fans of the celebrated star are beaming with joy as the actor emerged victorious at the Dubai 24H Series, making his mark in the international racing arena. Videos of Ajith celebrating his win with his wife Shalini and their children have taken over the internet, leaving fans in awe.
watch the video here:
In a recent video shared by Ajith’s fan club on X (formerly Twitter), Shalini and the ‘Thunivu’ actor were seen sharing a lovely kiss to celebrate his victory in the motor race. Another video featured him sitting with his daughter Anoushka and wife Shalini, as his daughter boosted his confidence before the race with heartwarming gestures. Several clips from the event have taken the internet by storm, showcasing the actor receiving unimaginable cheering and warm welcomes from fans in Dubai.
Ajith encountered a major setback during a practice session for the Dubai race when a brake failure caused a harrowing accident. Despite this close call, he showed unparalleled determination, returning to the track with renewed vigour. His efforts paid off spectacularly as he secured third place in the 991 category and earned the prestigious Spirit of the Race award in the GT4 category.
Actor R Madhavan, who witnessed the moment live, celebrated Ajith’s achievement by sharing a photo of them holding the Indian flag. Madhavan wrote, “So, so proud… what a man. The one and only Ajith Kumar.”
Ajith Kumar’s dedication to racing has been evident, as he temporarily stepped away from new film commitments to focus on his passion. Following his role in ‘Thunivu’ in 2023, the actor has been preparing for his upcoming films, ‘Good Bad Ugly’ and ‘Vidamuyaarchi’.