Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, the husband of actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, has reportedly sustained six injuries after an intruder broke into his residence in Mumbai, police confirmed on Thursday. The incident occurred late early Thursday morning when the assailant reportedly entered the actor’s home and reportedly ‘stabbed’ him.
“An unknown person entered Actor Saif Ali Khan’s residence and argued with his maid, late last night. When the actor tried to intervene and pacify the man, he attacked Saif Ali Khan and injured him. Police are investigating the matter,” Mumbai Police confirmed in a statement to ANI.
According to unconfirmed reports, the actor was attacked in what is said to be a burglary attempt. According to police, the incident reportedly occurred at around 2:30 am, after which the man fled the scene. The police are reportedly in the process of registering an FIR against the individual and have since been trying to trace down his location.
A senior IPS officer confirmed the incident and said that the Mumbai crime branch is also conducting a parallel investigation into the incident.
According to Hindustan Times, Dr Niraj Uttamani, COO of Lilavati Hospital, revealed details of Saif’s injuries, stating that the actor was admitted to the hospital after being attacked. He sustained 6 injuries, two of which were deeper and one ‘close to his spine’. “We are operating on him,” the doctor said in a statement and revealed that the extent of the damage will be known only after the surgery.
Kareena and Saif, who have been married since 2012, live in the Satguru Sharan building in Mumbai’s Bandra West with their two sons – Taimur (8) and Jeh (4).