Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor was reportedly spending a relaxing evening with her sister Karisma Kapoor, along with BFFs Sonam Kapoor and Rhea Kapoor shortly before the shocking burglary attack that unfolded in her Bandra home that left her husband, Saif Ali Khan, injured.
The star had shared a photo of her quiet “girls night in” on her handle in the early hours of Thursday morning. According to reports, she shared the post shortly before the incident unfolded in her home, which was reported to be around 2-2.30 am.
Saif Ali Khan Health Update
It is still unconfirmed if the actress was at home at the time of the attack. However, other reports have confirmed that Bebo and her two sons, Taimur and Jeh are ‘doing fine’.
Saif reportedly got into a scruffle with the intruder, leaving him with multiple injuries, however, none were reported to be ‘life threatening’. IANS claimed that the actor sustained injuries to his neck, chest, and spine.”
See more: Saif Ali Khan Health Live Update: Actor rushed to hospital after being stabbed 6 times in attempted robbery at Bandra house
Saif, who was taken into surgery to treat his injuries, is currently recovering in hospital. The police are working swiftly to bring the culprit to justice. According to TOI, 3 suspects were nabbed and taken to the police station for questioning.
As the investigation continues, the Kapoor family has requested ‘patience’ from the media and fans while asserting that this is a ‘police case’.
The Mumbai Police‘s Crime Branch officials arrived at the location to investigate the matter, and assured all the details on the attack would soon be provided.