The premiere of ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule,’ starring Allu Arjun, turned tragic at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad when a stampede-like situation broke out, injuring several moviegoers. The chaotic scene, which occurred in a crowded theater, led to panic and overcrowding, raising significant concerns about the safety of the audience, particularly minors attending late-night shows. In the aftermath of the incident, the Telangana High Court took swift action, addressing the growing issue of crowd management during film releases and the impact of late-night screenings on children.
In response to the ‘Pushpa 2’ stampede, the Telangana High Court recently passed an order restricting children’s entry into theaters before 11 am and after 11 pm. The decision came after the court heard petitions concerning the benefit shows for ‘Pushpa 2’ and ‘Game Changer,’ both of which faced challenges regarding odd show timings and increased ticket prices. The court ruled that children under the age of 16 would not be permitted to attend screenings before 11 am or after 11 pm. Authorities were also instructed to conduct regular inspections of theaters to ensure compliance with this new regulation. Any violations could result in penalties, including the suspension of theater licenses.
Justice B. Vijaysen Reddy, who pronounced the order, cited the AP Cinema (Regulations) Rules of 1970, specifically License Condition 12(43), which prohibits cinemas from holding screenings before 8:40 am or after 1:30 am. He emphasized the importance of protecting children from attending films during early or late hours. The court further directed the Home Department’s principal secretary to consult with stakeholders and take necessary actions to enforce these changes. The incident at the ‘Pushpa 2’ premiere led to the death of a woman and left her young son critically injured. Allu Arjun and the theater management were arrested in connection with the case, though the actor has since been released on bail.