The title controversy surrounding the film ‘Parasakthi’, featuring two different films of Sivakarthikeyan and Vijay Antony, has finally been resolved. Sivakarthikeyan’s 25th film, directed by Sudha Kongara had initially chosen the title ‘Parasakthi’. This highly anticipated project features an ensemble cast, including Ravi Mohan, Sree Leela, and Atharvaa, with music composed by GV Prakash Kumar. On the other hand, Vijay Antony’s 25th film also adopted the same title, leading to widespread discussions and disputes on social media platforms.
The core issue arose when Vijay Antony’s Telugu version retained the title ‘Parashakthi’, despite the Tamil version being renamed ‘Sakthi Thirumagan’. Although netizens pointed out that the spellings varied between the films, the use of ‘Parashakthi’ for Vijay Antony’s Telugu release fueled the controversy. The situation escalated as both production teams sought to protect their creative and commercial interests. Fans of both actors closely followed the developments, adding to the buzz surrounding the issue.
To settle the matter amicably, Sivakarthikeyan’s filmmakers held discussions with Vijay Antony and the director of his film, Arun Prabhu, and found a mutual solution. The agreement reached was that Sivakarthikeyan’s film would retain the title ‘Parasakthi’ in both Tamil and Telugu. Meanwhile, Vijay Antony’s film, titled ‘Sakthi Thirumagan’ in Tamil, will use the ‘Parashakthi’ title for its Hindi, Kannada, and Malayalam releases, with a new title specifically for Telugu. AVM Studios, the producer of Sivaji Ganesan‘s ‘Parasakthi’, issued an official statement confirming that the title rights of ‘Parasakthi’ belong to Sivakarthikeyan’s film. Reinforcing this, Sivakarthikeyan’s filmmakers also released a statement affirming their legal ownership of the title, bringing the dispute to a definitive conclusion.