Actor Sanjay Kapoor has had two releases this year with Merry Christmas and Murder Mubarak. “It has been a very ‘Merry Mubarak’ year,” he says, adding, “After working for 30 years, you wait for a period like this. I think I should title all my projects with the letter M, it has been working for me. I should keep my name also Manjay Kapoor.”
The 58-year-old is currently in one of the busiest and most explorative phases of his career. Ask him why the filmmakers didn’t tap his potential in his earlier years, and he says, “There is no logic to it. I don’t know myself. Sirf Tum was a blockbuster but it wasn’t like I signed 10 films after that. Till today, I get appreciated for Luck By Chance, but I still don’t know why I didn’t get the recognition and validation that I should have got after that film. But then a Lust Stories happen, which is a short film, yet filmmakers take notice of me.” He adds, “When things were not going to plan, I didn’t lose faith in myself. I wasn’t getting the right opportunities but today I am getting those. On OTT, talent is recognised and commercial value is secondary. But to sell a movie you need a star.”
Murder Mubarak brought together actors from different generations, from Dimple Kapadia to Sara Ali Khan. Kapoor insists that even though the ages differed, the passion for work amongst everyone was the same. He says, “Dimple’s energy even at 50 years is so amazing. She is so passionate towards her work, just like Sara. They are from different generations, but both are as enthusiastic, striving to give their best.”
Kapoor played a queer character in Murder Mubarak and in recent years, experienced actors like Madhuri Dixit in Maja Ma and Sharmila Tagore in Gulmohar, have also taken on queer roles on screen. He agrees that with such actors giving representation to the community, it gives relatability to not just one but two generations. “All these mentioned roles are done so beautifully and respectfully. You don’t have to look at them in a different way as they are the same as you. Earlier, it used to be secretive, but now people are coming out. In a big way today, people are accepting that. It’s a natural and normal thing, I don’t know what’s the big deal about it,” he ends.