Sharing a glimpse of the celebration, actor-producer Tusshar Kapoor took to X (formerly Twitter) and posted a video from the birthday bash of his father.The video shows the veteran actor doing the birthday tradition of cutting the cake accompanied by her grandkids, while his daughter Ekta Kapoor sings the mandatory birthday song.
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In the caption of the video, Tusshar Kapoor wrote – “Thank you for all your wishes for dad’s birthday today! It’s hard replying to everyone but every wish meant a lot to him! #happybirthdaytoyou.”
Both Tusshar and Ekta Kapoor speak highly of their father. Though Jeetendra was not much around when they were growing up owing to his work, his children now being parents themselves understand him better. Also, Jeetendra is known to make up for all the lost family time by being a hands-on grandfather.
Meanwhile, On the work front, Tusshar’s last outing was the OTT series ‘Pop Kaun?’ with Saurabh Shukla, Johny Lever, Rajpal Yadav and more.