Recently, character posters showing the Nawabs in ‘Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar’ were revealed by the makers. These posters feature Fardeen Khan, Taha Shah Badussha, Shekhar Suman, and Adhyayan Suman. Interestingly, this collaboration marks the first time that father-son duo Shekhar and Adhyayan have worked together on a project. In the series, Shekhar portrays Zulfiqar Ahmed, exuding power and culture, while Adhyayan embodies Zorawar Ali Khan, a wealthy and arrogant nawab driven solely by self-interest.
Talking to News18 Showsha, Adhyayan revealed that he plays two characters in the series and said that he also plays Zulfiqar, the younger version of his father’s character.This is is something he couldn’t have imagined in his life. The ‘Raaz – The Mystery Continues’ actor further added that it has always been his dream to work with his father. And he shares one scene with him in the show. It’s a very interesting scene. He can’t reveal anything beyond this but the actor said that it was very exciting to act with his father.
Adhyayan talked about how he got Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s show and said he got a call from the casting director to audition for Zorawar’s character. He was celebrating his parents’ marriage anniversary somewhere in the Himalayas. He was told that Mr Bhansali would be seeing his audition. Somehow, he managed to stop the car in the middle of the mountains and make an audition clip sitting in the car. Unfortunately, he didn’t get the role. He was extremely disappointed that it didn’t work out for him.
He further said that the shoot of Heeramandi started with the other characters. Two days before they were supposed to start shooting with the actor who was supposed to play Zorawar, he was suddenly asked to leave and Adhyayan was brought in.
Talking to News18 Showsha, Adhyayan revealed that he plays two characters in the series and said that he also plays Zulfiqar, the younger version of his father’s character.This is is something he couldn’t have imagined in his life. The ‘Raaz – The Mystery Continues’ actor further added that it has always been his dream to work with his father. And he shares one scene with him in the show. It’s a very interesting scene. He can’t reveal anything beyond this but the actor said that it was very exciting to act with his father.
Adhyayan talked about how he got Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s show and said he got a call from the casting director to audition for Zorawar’s character. He was celebrating his parents’ marriage anniversary somewhere in the Himalayas. He was told that Mr Bhansali would be seeing his audition. Somehow, he managed to stop the car in the middle of the mountains and make an audition clip sitting in the car. Unfortunately, he didn’t get the role. He was extremely disappointed that it didn’t work out for him.
He further said that the shoot of Heeramandi started with the other characters. Two days before they were supposed to start shooting with the actor who was supposed to play Zorawar, he was suddenly asked to leave and Adhyayan was brought in.