Bollywood actor Arshad Warsi, who made his debut with ‘Tere Mere Sapne’, recently opened up about how Jaya Bachchan played a crucial role in his career. Helmed by Joy Augustine, the film was produced by Amitabh Bachchan’s company ABCL. The movie also starred newcomers like Chandrachur Singh, Priya Gill and Simran. Arshad said that Jaya selected him even though he sent her shoddy pictures of himself.
Actor Arshad Warsi, who made his debut in Bollywood with the film ‘Tere Mere Sapne’, recently talked about how important role Jaya Bachchan played in his career.Produced by Amitabh Bachchan’s ABCL, the film was directed by Joy Augustine. Simran, Priya Gill, and Chandrachur Singh were also among the newbies who starred in the film. Despite sending her not-so-good pictures of himself, Arshad said Jaya chose him.
During the show ‘Long Drive with Mr Faisu’, Arshad talked candidly about his first film and Jaya Bachchan’s role in his career. He said, “That woman is unbelievable. After seeing my pictures, she was sure that this guy can act. But in reality, I had never acted before. She did not even take my screen test. She just saw my photos. But I did not understand why she took me for the film. I had sent ghatiya pictures because I did not have money.”
He further added, “After a long time, when I finally knew her as a person, I asked her, ‘Jaya ji tell me the truth. Why did you cast me in the film?’ She said, ‘There were 36 photos and in all the pictures you had different expressions. You were not frightened of the camera at all and you were not interested in impressing anyone also.”’
Earlier, during an interview with Lehren, Arshad Warsi disclosed that he had no inclination towards acting and how he landed his first film. “I had never thought of being an actor. It was quite a surprise for me. I gave it a shot and a friend clicked a few amateurish photographs. The photographs happened to go to Mrs Bachchan. She saw it, she liked it and said sign this guy,” he said.
Actor Arshad Warsi, who made his debut in Bollywood with the film ‘Tere Mere Sapne’, recently talked about how important role Jaya Bachchan played in his career.Produced by Amitabh Bachchan’s ABCL, the film was directed by Joy Augustine. Simran, Priya Gill, and Chandrachur Singh were also among the newbies who starred in the film. Despite sending her not-so-good pictures of himself, Arshad said Jaya chose him.
During the show ‘Long Drive with Mr Faisu’, Arshad talked candidly about his first film and Jaya Bachchan’s role in his career. He said, “That woman is unbelievable. After seeing my pictures, she was sure that this guy can act. But in reality, I had never acted before. She did not even take my screen test. She just saw my photos. But I did not understand why she took me for the film. I had sent ghatiya pictures because I did not have money.”
He further added, “After a long time, when I finally knew her as a person, I asked her, ‘Jaya ji tell me the truth. Why did you cast me in the film?’ She said, ‘There were 36 photos and in all the pictures you had different expressions. You were not frightened of the camera at all and you were not interested in impressing anyone also.”’
Earlier, during an interview with Lehren, Arshad Warsi disclosed that he had no inclination towards acting and how he landed his first film. “I had never thought of being an actor. It was quite a surprise for me. I gave it a shot and a friend clicked a few amateurish photographs. The photographs happened to go to Mrs Bachchan. She saw it, she liked it and said sign this guy,” he said.
When Arshad Warsi expected ‘gaalis’ from Jaya Bachchan but ended up getting his first acting job offer