Bollywood actress Kajol, who is gearing up for the release of her upcoming OTT film ‘Do Patti’, loves celebrating Durga Puja with her family and friends. Kajol and her son Yug have been regular visitors at the North Bombay Sarbojanin’s Durga Puja pandal. Every year, the actress visits the pandal to celebrate the auspicious festival.
Last year during the Durga Puja celebrations, Kajol took to her social media and shared pictures from Navami celebrations.In one of the pictures, Yug was seen serving bhog to the devotees.
“Third day. Shubho Navami. And it was an amazing day. My son served at the bhog and understood why I do it every year.. a newbie @aamandevgan served and felt the power of the puja. So many people that I love were there and so many happy feelings all over. The pujo has ended for everyone else but we still have just our thing so that feels a little better .. there is a feeling of sadness mixed with elation that it was a successful year and now it’s at an end..,” she captioned the post.
Last year during the Durga Puja celebrations, Kajol took to her social media and shared pictures from Navami celebrations.In one of the pictures, Yug was seen serving bhog to the devotees.
“Third day. Shubho Navami. And it was an amazing day. My son served at the bhog and understood why I do it every year.. a newbie @aamandevgan served and felt the power of the puja. So many people that I love were there and so many happy feelings all over. The pujo has ended for everyone else but we still have just our thing so that feels a little better .. there is a feeling of sadness mixed with elation that it was a successful year and now it’s at an end..,” she captioned the post.
For Navami celebrations, Kajol looked beautiful in a beige saree and paired it with a matching printed blouse. She accentuated her look with a bun tied with a gajra, red glass bangles and a huge red bindi. On the other hand, her son looked adorable in a blue kurta and white pyjamas.
Apart from ‘Do Patti’, Kajol will be reportedly seen in a horror film titled ‘Maa’, which is produced by her husband Ajay Devgn and directed by ‘Chhorii’ fame Vishal Furia. The film will likely go on floors in 2024.
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