On April 8, Priyanka Chopra took to her Instagram stories and posted a picture from the sets of her upcoming Hollywood film ‘Heads Of State’. In the picture, the actress can be seen sitting with her legs stretched as she showed off her shoes soaked with pink colour. One can also see the trolley in the background as the cinematography team sets up for the shot.
Along with the picture, the actress wrote, “Glamorous (Accompanied by a red-heart emoji) #headsofstate”
A few days prior, the actress had teased her fans with a picture of the script for the film. The picture that she posted included the page with the title of the movie and the information that Harrison Query wrote it. The actress’s name was also noted as being watermarked on it. She shared the picture and added, “And we’re back,” suggesting that she had returned to the London filming location following a lengthy and healthful trip home.
Directed by Ilya Naishuller, ‘Heads of State’ is an upcoming action comedy film starring Idris Elba, John Cena, and Jack Quaid in the pivotal roles. It’s being filmed primarily in London.
Priyanka Chopra was recently in India for one of the many reasons. During her extended visit, the actress stirred the internet with her various public outings. She visited the holy Ram Temple in Ayodhya with Nick Jonas and Malti Marie, and celebrated Holi and the birthday bash of Cousin Mannara Chopra with her family. She attended the Roman Holi bash hosted by Isha Ambani. In addition to this, she also attended the roka ceremony of her brother Siddharth Chopra with fiancée Neelam Upadhyaya. Several pictures from the momentous occasion were shared on the internet.
Priyanka Chopra visited India lately for a variety of reasons. The actress took the internet by storm with her numerous public appearances throughout her prolonged stay. Along with her Nick Jonas and Malti Marie, she went to the holy Ram Temple in Ayodhya. She also celebrated Holi and her cousin Mannara Chopra’s birthday party with her family. She went to Isha Ambani’s Roman Holi celebration. She also attended the roka ceremony of her brother Siddharth Chopra and Neelam Upadhyaya. A number of pictures from the event were circulated online.
After India trip, Priyanka Chopra Jonas resumes work on ‘Heads of State’ in LA