After breaking up his four year long relationship with actor Pavitra Punia, actor Eijaz Khan is putting all his focus on his work. We have got to know that he is single, and not ready to get into another relationship at the moment. (Also Read – TV doesn’t teach how to deal with success: actor Eijaz Khan)
The estranged couple met each other during a reality show. After forming a bond with each other on the show, they started dating, and were living together as well. They got engaged in 2020. In August, Khan had shared pictures from August 3 when he proposed to Punia.
“Moving on from the relationship was tough as he was really dedicated and committed to it. It took some time for him to get over it. However, the actor has moved on from his past now, and is looking ahead,” says a source.
There have been some rumours about Khan cheating on Punia, and that becoming the reason behind the split. The insider dismisses the claims, saying, “He did not cheat on Punia. He was totally committed and loyal to her. They were living together as well. He had no other girl in his life at that moment, and that stays true till date. He is single at the moment, and is not even ready to get into another relationship”.
The source continues, “He has moved into a new house, and is focused on his work. He is shooting a project with Divyanka Tripathi, and is going through several scripts. He is also working on fitness. He wants to put all his time and energy on his work now, and is not looking for love”.
When it comes to the reason behind the breakup, the source reveals, “They had several issues, and there came a point when they realised the issues can’t be worked upon. That’s when they decided to part ways. That being said, Eijaz has only good wishes to send to Punia”.
Last month, the couple shared separate statements announcing their break up, with Punia mentioning, “I respect him a lot, but the relationship did not last”. We reached out to Khan to confirm the same, but didn’t hear back till the time of going to press.