Actor and dancer Mohena Kumari Singh couldn’t be happier as she welcomed a baby girl into her family recently. “I really wanted a girl the second time, and even Suyesh. I actually wanted a girl and a boy always. Everyone kept telling me that it will be a boy only. I was so happy that I have both now, I am feeling very complete as a mother and a family,” she shares, with her voice resonating with joy. (Also Read – Mohena Kumari Singh reveals her mother-in-law interrupted a pandit who told her ‘bohot saare bete ho’: ‘Proud of her’)
The bundle of joy arrived on March 31, marking a moment of pure contentment for Mohena and her family. “With a very clean heart, I asked God to give me a daughter and it happened. It was a great feeling of contentment, I am at peace now, I would say,” she adds.
Ask about the plans of naming her daughter, Kumari reveals, “Her Vedic chart was made on the first day of Navratri, it was an auspicious day, we will decide on a name soon,” adding, “Pyaar se we are calling her choti babu. My husband has been calling her sprout since I was pregnant. So, that’s something my husband calls her till she gets her main name.”
The arrival of their second child comes merely two years after the birth of their son Ayaan, who is soon to celebrate his second birthday on April 15. “Everything is quite fresh actually, I am comparing her birth to his birth and how it was. With my first child, I did everything right. I did yoga everyday, made sure that I didn’t eat outside at all, didn’t have maggi which is my favourite, I was just so Satvik. I was really stressed about doing this and not doing that. One should not stress, for sure.”
“So with my second pregnancy, I just let everything happen naturally. I didn’t stress myself with any pressure. I sometimes ate out also, and just made sure that I enjoyed this time. I was even driving till my last month, taking my friends out and everything. I was just taking it easy. It was a relaxed pregnancy for me,” the 35-year-old further adds.
Amidst the joyous occasion, Kumari didn’t make an official announcement on social media, but has confirmed to us exclusively. “Actually the thing is that I am so in my world now, I don’t think about social media, I just live my life. If people get to know, they get to know. I don’t think that ‘Okay, now I have to show the photo’ or I have to do this or that for the media, I don’t think that. I am so busy living my life authentically. People told me that you need to say something, otherwise people will think and assume that she did a surrogate or adopted,” she laughs.