One of the most awaited films of the year, Amar Singh Chamkila has finally arrived on streaming giant Netflix. Starring Diljit Dosanjh and Parineeti Chopra as Amar Singh Chamkila and his wife Amarjot Kaur, this biographical drama marks filmmaker Imtiaz Ali’s return to the director’s chair after four long years. Well, many movie lovers have already watched the film and have shared their honest reviews on social media. We have compiled these Twitter reviews below for you, to help you decide whether Amar Singh Chamkila should be a part of your weekend binge watch list.
The Netflix film had a lot of expectations riding on it, especially because the filmmaker’s last release Love Aaj Kal (2020) received mixed reviews. Well, the verdict is out and internet users have absolutely loved the story of the Punjabi artist, who was assassinated at the age of 27 along with his wife. Parineeti’s performance has been widely appreciated whereas Diljit has been called the star of the film. However, a majority of the audience is most excited to witness Imtiaz’s much awaited return.
For instance, one movie buff celebrated the director’s return in their tweet, lauding the decision to tell a relevant and impactful story which is about a tragedy that occurred 40 years ago, about censorship and morality. The tweet further described Parineeti ‘solid’ as Amarjot and claimed that Diljit’s performance as Chamkila will be remembered for many years to come. Meanwhile another social media user lauded the filmmaker, calling him ‘one of a kind’. Comparing Amar Singh Chamkila to Imtiaz’s iconic Rockstar (2011), one fan did claim that the Diljit-starrer is not as intense as Ranbir Kapoor’s film. Nevertheless, Chamkila has received love and only love on social media.
After reading these reviews shared by Twitterati, are you planning to catch Amar Singh Chamkila on OTT this weekend?