The actor-politician Ravi Kishan, who has worked in several languages, now grabbed the attention for his personal life. A woman named Aparna Thakur has alleged that she is his second wife and that they share a daughter.
According to Aparna’s statement, she met Kishan in 1995 during his pursuit of journalism. Following a year of courtship, they tied the knot in 1996 in a ceremony attended by Kishan’s entire family in Malad, Mumbai.Additionally, they claim to have a grown-up daughter named Shenova.
Recently, Aparna hosted a press conference in Lucknow, where she made startling revelations about her relationship with the renowned Ravi Kishan. At the meeting, she announced that despite their marriage, the actor has not publicly acknowledged their relationship or their daughter Shenova.
While talking to the media, Thakur said, “My name is Aparna, and my daughter is the daughter of MP and actor Ravi Kishan, whom he is not accepting. I am also going to court for this. The reason for calling this press conference is I want my daughter, who is also Ravi Kishan’s daughter, to get her rights. I will approach the court as well over this. I want him to accept his daughter and give her the legal rights that she deserves.”
Thakur demanded that Ravi legally adopt their daughter and ensure she receives all her rights. She appealed for support in this matter from the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath. Thakur asserted that until last year, the actor maintained contact with them, but has since stopped communication. She clarified her reluctance to file an FIR against Ravi, saying that her only request is for him to grant legal rights to Shenova.
In a new video, a woman named Shenova, hailing from Mumbai, stated that she needs some time to prove that the claims made by her and her mother are true.
In a recent video, a woman named Shenova from Mumbai has spoken out, indicating that she needs time to confirm the claims made by herself and her mother. She said in the clip, “Respected Yogi Ji. My name is Shenova. I am your MP Ravi Kishan’s daughter, and I would like to request that you give my mother and me some time. I want to tell you my truth with proof. After that, you can decide what’s right.”
According to Aparna’s statement, she met Kishan in 1995 during his pursuit of journalism. Following a year of courtship, they tied the knot in 1996 in a ceremony attended by Kishan’s entire family in Malad, Mumbai.Additionally, they claim to have a grown-up daughter named Shenova.
Recently, Aparna hosted a press conference in Lucknow, where she made startling revelations about her relationship with the renowned Ravi Kishan. At the meeting, she announced that despite their marriage, the actor has not publicly acknowledged their relationship or their daughter Shenova.
While talking to the media, Thakur said, “My name is Aparna, and my daughter is the daughter of MP and actor Ravi Kishan, whom he is not accepting. I am also going to court for this. The reason for calling this press conference is I want my daughter, who is also Ravi Kishan’s daughter, to get her rights. I will approach the court as well over this. I want him to accept his daughter and give her the legal rights that she deserves.”
Thakur demanded that Ravi legally adopt their daughter and ensure she receives all her rights. She appealed for support in this matter from the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath. Thakur asserted that until last year, the actor maintained contact with them, but has since stopped communication. She clarified her reluctance to file an FIR against Ravi, saying that her only request is for him to grant legal rights to Shenova.
In a new video, a woman named Shenova, hailing from Mumbai, stated that she needs some time to prove that the claims made by her and her mother are true.
In a recent video, a woman named Shenova from Mumbai has spoken out, indicating that she needs time to confirm the claims made by herself and her mother. She said in the clip, “Respected Yogi Ji. My name is Shenova. I am your MP Ravi Kishan’s daughter, and I would like to request that you give my mother and me some time. I want to tell you my truth with proof. After that, you can decide what’s right.”
When PTI contacted Ravi Kishan for his comment on the matter, his representative said that Ravi was currently out of town. “If he has anything to say in this matter, he will inform you,” he added. For the unknown, Ravi Kishan has been married to Preeti Shukla since 1993, and they have three daughters and a son together.
Ravi Kishan’s representative stated to PTI that the actor is currently out of town and said, “If he has anything to say in this matter, he will inform you.” For context, Ravi Kishan has been married to Preeti Shukla since 1993, and they share three daughters and a son.