Mrunal Thakur has an interesting take on the reality behind the seemingly perfect lives portrayed on social media. The actor recently shared a photo of herself in tears on her Instagram stories, prompting her to address the facade of perfection often perpetuated online. In an interview with Humans of Bombay, Mrunal bravely admitted to experiencing low moments, revealing, “There were days where I didn’t want to wake up, I didn’t want to get out of my bed, but I did.Not for others, but for myself.”
Mrunal emphasized the importance of self-care during challenging times, urging others to recognize that bad days are a natural part of life. She highlighted the disparity between social media portrayals and reality, questioning the authenticity of holiday snapshots and expressing her own struggles with body image. “There were days where I didn’t want to wake up, I didn’t want to get out of my bed, but I did. Not for others, but for myself. I’m feeling low one day, two days, three days, weeks, months, but nobody’s going to care except your family. So I feel like it’s so important to remind ourselves that if there are bad days, there will be good days. So that was just like a proof, there are days, and it’s absolutely normal for you to feel not okay,” she said.
Facing body shaming for her ‘pear-shaped body,’ Mrunal is determined to challenge conventional beauty standards by embracing her curves and confidently flaunting her figure. Advocating body positivity, Mrunal added, “I’m going to change that beauty standard by flaunting my curves. Earlier I was so afraid of wearing anything body-hugging. But now, I’m like, ‘Body-hugging? Bring it on. And crop tops? Bring it on. Why do we need Kardashians to set the beauty standards? Every Indian woman walking on the streets, they’re so curvaceous, they’re so beautiful.”
Addressing relationships, Mrunal reflected on the challenges of balancing personal and professional life, stressing the need for understanding and support from partners. Inspired by actor Mona Singh‘s decision to freeze her eggs, Mrunal revealed her own consideration of this option, “Relationships, I know it’s tough, but that’s why you need the right partner who would understand what the nature of your job is. Freezing the eggs, yes, I’m also considering that.”On the work front, Mrunal Thakur recently starred in the film “The Family Man” opposite Vijay Devarakonda, which found few takers at the box office.
Mrunal emphasized the importance of self-care during challenging times, urging others to recognize that bad days are a natural part of life. She highlighted the disparity between social media portrayals and reality, questioning the authenticity of holiday snapshots and expressing her own struggles with body image. “There were days where I didn’t want to wake up, I didn’t want to get out of my bed, but I did. Not for others, but for myself. I’m feeling low one day, two days, three days, weeks, months, but nobody’s going to care except your family. So I feel like it’s so important to remind ourselves that if there are bad days, there will be good days. So that was just like a proof, there are days, and it’s absolutely normal for you to feel not okay,” she said.
Facing body shaming for her ‘pear-shaped body,’ Mrunal is determined to challenge conventional beauty standards by embracing her curves and confidently flaunting her figure. Advocating body positivity, Mrunal added, “I’m going to change that beauty standard by flaunting my curves. Earlier I was so afraid of wearing anything body-hugging. But now, I’m like, ‘Body-hugging? Bring it on. And crop tops? Bring it on. Why do we need Kardashians to set the beauty standards? Every Indian woman walking on the streets, they’re so curvaceous, they’re so beautiful.”
Addressing relationships, Mrunal reflected on the challenges of balancing personal and professional life, stressing the need for understanding and support from partners. Inspired by actor Mona Singh‘s decision to freeze her eggs, Mrunal revealed her own consideration of this option, “Relationships, I know it’s tough, but that’s why you need the right partner who would understand what the nature of your job is. Freezing the eggs, yes, I’m also considering that.”On the work front, Mrunal Thakur recently starred in the film “The Family Man” opposite Vijay Devarakonda, which found few takers at the box office.
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