Last week, the Enforcement Directorate seized Shilpa Shetty‘s husband Raj Kundra’s properties worth Rs 97.79 crore. According to what ED shared, these properties included a residential flat which is on Shilpa’s name, a bungalow in Pune and some equity shares. Amid this probe, Shilpa was spotted at the airport on Thursday afternoon as she jet off for a vacation with her children Viaan Raj Kundra and Samisha, along with her mother Sunanda Shetty.
The actress rocked a plain white shirt with denims as she was spotted at the airport. While the paps captured her, she refused to pose for them. When they asked her, “aap naaraaz ho,” the actress smiled, responded to them lovingly and said, “Main naaraaz nahi hoti, late ho rahi hoon.”
Meanwhile, Shilpa and Raj also released a statement regarding the ED probe and said that they’re hoping for a fair investigation. They also said that they would follow the due process of the law and take all the steps which are necessary. Moreover, they have full faith in the Indian judiciary system. The statement released by their advocate Prashant Patil, further read, “On the face of it, there is no prima facie case made out against my clients Mr Raj Kundra and Mrs Shilpa Shetty Kundra. We have complete faith in the Honourable Judiciary. I believe when we make our fair representation before the Honourable Enforcement Directorate, even the investigation agencies may grant justice to us. We have faith in the fair investigation. We stand committed to cooperating with the authorities as and when required.”
On work front, Shilpa was last seen on OTT in Rohit Shetty’s ‘Indian Police Force’.
The actress rocked a plain white shirt with denims as she was spotted at the airport. While the paps captured her, she refused to pose for them. When they asked her, “aap naaraaz ho,” the actress smiled, responded to them lovingly and said, “Main naaraaz nahi hoti, late ho rahi hoon.”
Meanwhile, Shilpa and Raj also released a statement regarding the ED probe and said that they’re hoping for a fair investigation. They also said that they would follow the due process of the law and take all the steps which are necessary. Moreover, they have full faith in the Indian judiciary system. The statement released by their advocate Prashant Patil, further read, “On the face of it, there is no prima facie case made out against my clients Mr Raj Kundra and Mrs Shilpa Shetty Kundra. We have complete faith in the Honourable Judiciary. I believe when we make our fair representation before the Honourable Enforcement Directorate, even the investigation agencies may grant justice to us. We have faith in the fair investigation. We stand committed to cooperating with the authorities as and when required.”
On work front, Shilpa was last seen on OTT in Rohit Shetty’s ‘Indian Police Force’.