Prime Video has announced that ‘The Family Star’ will be available for streaming, initially in Telugu and Tamil, with plans for dubs in Malayalam and Kannada.The film follows the story of Govardhan, portrayed by Deverakonda, a devoted family man who wants to strive in his career and love while juggling the responsibilities of supporting his extended joint family.
The plot takes a delightful twist when Govardhan’s life intersects with that of Indu, played by Thakur, a charismatic new tenant in his house with it their connection turns into an unexpected love story.
However, despite the film’s anticipation, some fans were left disappointed by its release. Initially, the makers had announced after looking at the performance of the film the decision the film to be theatrically released in Hindi and Malayalam will be made. Hindi fans were hoping to enjoy the film in Hindi as it makes its digital premiere, but the film seems to be currently only available in Telugu and Tamil languages.
Family Star Trailer – Vijay Deverakonda | Mrunal | Parasuram | Dil Raju | Gopi Sundar
While this decision may have surprised some fans, the makes might hope for the film’s digital release and its potential success on the streaming platform.