Internet sleuths are coming to the aid of a Massachusetts woman named Ashley McGuire, who is desperately trying to locate her husband after he allegedly ghosted her while she was pregnant.
In a now-viral Facebook message, Ashley alleges her husband, Charlie, walked out on her while she was pregnant last year with their youngest child … claiming he moved out of state and changed his number.
Ashley says she’s trying to divorce Charlie, and when she couldn’t find him, she tried her hand at some internet crowd-sourcing to try to nail him down.
She said, “If you know him, if you’re working with him, if you’re dating him or friends with him, can you please have him get in touch with me or let me know where I can find him.”
Thousands have rallied around Ashley, with countless online Sherlocks jumping on the case to help locate Charlie. Sleuths have already flagged Charlie’s alleged Twitter account and messages about his reported Bumble account.
And, less than 24 hours after her plea picked up steam, Ashley shared an update … stating she has received enough information to locate her estranged spouse.
She states … “I literally have hundreds of messages to sort through, some with information and some with support and I appreciate all of them. Single moms are a special breed, and I know a lot of you have gone through the same situation I have.”
However, Ashley makes one request of her followers … to not spread hate toward Charlie, as she simply wants to end this chapter for the sake of their kids.