Zareen Khan has a very personal reason making her Eid celebrations extra special, and that is her mother’s health. The actor says her mum is doing really well, and pepped up to cook a few dishes for the merriment this year. Since the past few months, Khan has been really worried about her mother’s ailing health as she has been admitted to hospital a few times. Now, looking at her on the road to recovery makes her really happy.
“We have been celebrating Eid at home with my mother and sister for the past few years. Before the demise of my nana, he used to be part of the celebration as several family members used to come and visit us for lunch. And that has been the case till now. This year, it is going to be my mother and sister celebrating the festival together with our closed ones,” Khan tells us.
Happy and grateful to the almighty that her mother is in high spirits to celebrate the festival, the 36-year-old adds, “By the grace of god, my mom is doing much better as to what she was doing sometime back… It has been a very difficult journey, a very consuming journey for us to see her in so much pain due to the illnesses. And it was difficult for her to go through all of that.”
Khan is quite relieved that her mum is on the path to recovery and getting better by the day. “Though she is not completely all right. She is doing much better… She has been very active during Ramadan too, trying to cook a few dishes for us. Her favourite thing is to cook. She will do little cooking for us on Eid too,” the actors end.