The singer and actress, who welcomed her first child with her actor boyfriend Robert Pattinson, announced the gender of her baby while on stage at Coachella. The ‘Daisy Jones And The Six‘ star took to the stage to perform live for the first time since giving birth. She rocked the stage with a medley of songs, including her new track ‘Faded’, before confirming the gender of her newborn.
“I can’t believe how many amazing people are playing, so many amazing women are playing tonight,” she said.
“I don’t know if some of you know but I’ve had some pretty big life changes happen recently. I feel very lucky to have my own amazing lady.”
After her gig, the singer was seen heading into the crowds to watch Lana Del Rey take over the stage. Fans spotted Rob with his arm around the singer as they enjoyed the gig with their friends and team.
Waterhouse had previously described having her first child as a “humbling” experience.
Posing in a series of photos wearing disposable postpartum underwear and a bra top, with a cardigan draped over her shoulders, she wrote: “The fourth trimester has been… humbling. The postpartum period has been filled with exhilarating joy, so much laughter, tears, soo many hormones! I’m proud of everything my body has achieved and proud of the kindness and grace I’ve given myself during this recovery period.”
The British actress-singer, 32, confirmed she had given birth earlier this month by sharing a sun-kissed Polaroid of her cradling her child, who is wrapped in a blanket adorned with blue and pink hearts.
The ‘Love, Rosie’ actress confirmed her pregnancy on stage at the Corona Capital Festival in Mexico in November.