On Monday, the actress took to social media and shared a video where she is seen singing a song alongside the real Amarjot, who also appears in the frame singing the same song.“Amarjot ko itna pasand karne ke liye Shukriya #Chamkila Overwhelmed with all the love that’s been pouring in, thank you. #Grateful,” she captioned the post.
On Sunday, Praineeti shared BTS photos from the set and wrote, “Curled up in my blanket. Overwhelmed with your words, calls, and movie reviews. (Tears are not stopping.) “PARINEETI IS BACK.” These words are ringing loudly. I hadn’t thought of this. Yes, I am back and not going anywhere.”
After wrapping up ‘Amar Singh Chamkila’, Parineeti Chopra recalled her journey and wrote a heartfelt note: “I’m immensely thankful for Chamkila. Imtiaz Ali, sir, your direction was unparalleled; you truly led the ship with finesse. Your vision and passion set a new standard. Diljit Dosanjh, you were the perfect co-star, making every moment on set enjoyable and effortless. AR Rahman Sir, being musically directed by you is a thing of dreams. And the entire team that made this film. Shooting this film has topped any other film experience because I got to sing and act—two things I’m most passionate about, so thank you.”.
The biographical film ‘Amar Singh Chamkila’, directed by Imtiaz Ali, explores the life of the legendary artist and electrifying live-stage performer from Punjab who gained immense popularity during the 1980s. The lead role is portrayed by Diljit Dosanjh, while Parineeti Chopra takes on the character of his on-screen wife, Amarjot Kaur.