Actor Shiv Thakare offered comforting words in the wake of the gunfire incident outside Salman Khan‘s Mumbai residence. Approached by paparazzi, Thakare reassured Salman Khan’s safety, citing divine protection.
Shiv Thakare stated, “I’ve heard he’s safe. God’s blessings are with him, nothing will happen to him.” His remarks come following the unsettling event on April 14, when gunshots were reported outside Salman’s home, Galaxy Apartments.
According to CNN News18, two individuals on a motorcycle fired shots in the air. Though Salman Khan remained unscathed, security measures around his residence were heightened.Authorities initiated an investigation, filing a case against unidentified assailants. Police sources revealed the use of a 7.62 weapon in the firing. The shooters allegedly fled towards the Western Express Highway, prompting suspicions of their escape from Mumbai. Mumbai Police intensified efforts, including CCTV footage analysis, to apprehend the culprits.
This isn’t the first time Salman Khan has faced threats. Last year, Canada-based fugitive gangster Goldy Brar issued a death threat against the actor. Earlier, Mumbai Police filed an FIR against gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi and Goldy Brar, among others, following an email threat targeting Salman Khan at his Mumbai residence.
Shiv Thakare stated, “I’ve heard he’s safe. God’s blessings are with him, nothing will happen to him.” His remarks come following the unsettling event on April 14, when gunshots were reported outside Salman’s home, Galaxy Apartments.
According to CNN News18, two individuals on a motorcycle fired shots in the air. Though Salman Khan remained unscathed, security measures around his residence were heightened.Authorities initiated an investigation, filing a case against unidentified assailants. Police sources revealed the use of a 7.62 weapon in the firing. The shooters allegedly fled towards the Western Express Highway, prompting suspicions of their escape from Mumbai. Mumbai Police intensified efforts, including CCTV footage analysis, to apprehend the culprits.
This isn’t the first time Salman Khan has faced threats. Last year, Canada-based fugitive gangster Goldy Brar issued a death threat against the actor. Earlier, Mumbai Police filed an FIR against gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi and Goldy Brar, among others, following an email threat targeting Salman Khan at his Mumbai residence.