Meanwhile, post this incident which took place on Sunday morning, Salman Khan has finally stepped out of his house on Tuesday evening. The actor’s car was surrounded by heavy security along with a police car.
While Salman is yet to react on this incident, his brother Arbaaz Khan penned a long note regarding it. He said, “The recent incident of firing by two unidentified persons on a motorcycle at Galaxy Apartment, the residence of the Salim Khan family, is very disturbing and unnerving. Our family has been taken aback by this shocking incident that took place. Unfortunately, some people claiming to be close to our family and pretending to be spokespersons have been making baseless statements to the media, saying it’s all a publicity stunt and that the family remains unaffected, which is not true. These views should not be taken seriously.”
Arbaaz rubbished the news that the family is unaffected. Though, all the members are safe, one bullet had hit the wall of Salman’s house. Meanwhile, the police has revealed that three recces had happened at Salman’s house before this incident and five bullets were fired by them.
Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has met the family and ensured all the fans of Salman that his security will be beefed up. He also assured everyone by saying that “Yeh Lawrence Warrence ko khatam kar denge (We will end the underworld and this Lawrence Bishnoi).”
Maharashtra CM meets Salman Khan; vows to take strict action against all ‘gangs and goons’ | सलमान
Lawrence Bishnoi’s brother Anmol Bishnoi had claimed responsibility of this incident through a post on Facebook.