In a heartfelt video circulating online, Rakhi Sawant expressed her anguish over the threats looming over Salman Khan from the Bishnoi brothers. She began by extolling Salman Khan’s unparalleled status in Bollywood, hailing him as a legend and spotlighting his monumental contributions to both the film fraternity and society at large. Rakhi urged Lawrence Bishnoi and Anmol Bishnoi to exhibit clemency and refrain from inflicting harm upon Salman Khan.
Mumbai crime branch detains two suspects for involvement in Salman Khan firing case, initiates interrogation: Reports
Rakhi Sawant’s impassioned plea stemmed from her encounters with Salman Khan’s magnanimity. She recounted how Salman Khan, alongside his brother Sohail Khan, had extended financial support to her mother, Jaya Sawant, during her battle with cancer, describing Salman as a beacon of hope during her family’s darkest hour.
Emphasizing Salman Khan’s role as a “Messiah of the poor,” Sawant emphasized his profound impact on countless lives through his altruistic endeavors. Furthermore, she underscored Salman Khan’s unassuming demeanor and steadfast dedication to aiding others.
Meanwhile, the two accused men in the matter of Salman Khan’s house firing have been arrested by the Mumbai Crime Branch. The authorities are doing their due diligence.