Actress Shriya Pilgaonkar, who has carved a niche for herself in the entertainment industry, made her debut in Bollywood with the film ‘Fan’ opposite the superstar – Shah Rukh Khan. Shriya reflects on the film’s significance and takes a trip down memory lane as it approaches its eighth anniversary.
During an interview with Bollywood Hungama, Shriya added, “It’s hard to believe that eight years have flown by since the release of Fan.This film holds a special place in my heart as it marked my debut in Hindi cinema. Working alongside SRK was an incredible experience. He’s not only a phenomenal actor but also a source of inspiration for me as a person.”
The actress further stated that SRK’s work ethic, passion, and constant drive to excel continues to motivate her. She said, “I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with him, and I’m eagerly hoping for another chance to share the screen with him once again. After all, it’s SRK – the epitome of cinematic charm!”
Shriya Pilgaonkar, who made her remarkable debut opposite Shah Rukh Khan with the film ‘Fan’ eight years ago, has been carving a niche for herself as a powerhouse performer with web series and films. She has garnered admiration and love from critics and the audience for the portrayal of the character Kashaf Quaze in ‘Guilty Minds’ and Sweety Gupta in ‘Mirzapur’.
On the work front, Shriya Pilgaonkar will be next seen in Bhuvan Bam’s action-drama series ‘Taaza Khabar’. The film also stars Mahesh Manjrekar, Deven Bhojani, Shilpa Shukla, among others in significant roles..
During an interview with Bollywood Hungama, Shriya added, “It’s hard to believe that eight years have flown by since the release of Fan.This film holds a special place in my heart as it marked my debut in Hindi cinema. Working alongside SRK was an incredible experience. He’s not only a phenomenal actor but also a source of inspiration for me as a person.”
The actress further stated that SRK’s work ethic, passion, and constant drive to excel continues to motivate her. She said, “I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with him, and I’m eagerly hoping for another chance to share the screen with him once again. After all, it’s SRK – the epitome of cinematic charm!”
Shriya Pilgaonkar, who made her remarkable debut opposite Shah Rukh Khan with the film ‘Fan’ eight years ago, has been carving a niche for herself as a powerhouse performer with web series and films. She has garnered admiration and love from critics and the audience for the portrayal of the character Kashaf Quaze in ‘Guilty Minds’ and Sweety Gupta in ‘Mirzapur’.
On the work front, Shriya Pilgaonkar will be next seen in Bhuvan Bam’s action-drama series ‘Taaza Khabar’. The film also stars Mahesh Manjrekar, Deven Bhojani, Shilpa Shukla, among others in significant roles..