Shilpa Shetty is often seen displaying her religious side at various instances on social media and fans love to see when she shares moments of her life with them. It’s the navratri of the chaitra month according to the Hindu calender and many people are celebrating ashtami today. As it’s the festival of worshipping the Goddess, Shilpa celebrated ashtami with ‘kanya pujan’ and it began with her own daughter, little Samisha.
Samisha can be seen dressed in a pink frock and Shilpa is dressed in a pink kurta.She can be seen washing Samisha’s feet and kissing them. Then she put a ‘teeka’ on her forehead and did aarti while Samisha enjoyed all of it! The actress shared this video and wrote, “Celebrating the auspicious occasion of Ashtami today starting with the Kanya Pujan with our own Devi Samisha♥️🧿 May the Supreme Goddess Maha Gauri bless everyone with prosperity, love, and peace🙏🌺 || जय माता दी || 🪔”
Samisha can be seen dressed in a pink frock and Shilpa is dressed in a pink kurta.She can be seen washing Samisha’s feet and kissing them. Then she put a ‘teeka’ on her forehead and did aarti while Samisha enjoyed all of it! The actress shared this video and wrote, “Celebrating the auspicious occasion of Ashtami today starting with the Kanya Pujan with our own Devi Samisha♥️🧿 May the Supreme Goddess Maha Gauri bless everyone with prosperity, love, and peace🙏🌺 || जय माता दी || 🪔”
Shilpa had announced the arrival of her second child, a daughter, in 2020. It was only later that she revealed that Samisha was born through surrogacy.
The actress had said during an interview with Vogue, “After Viaan, I did want to have another child for the longest time. But, I suffered from an auto immune disease called APLA and that came into play every time I get pregnant. So I had a couple of miscarriages… it was a genuine issue.”
Shilpa admitted she knew the importance of having a sibling as she has one and hence she wanted a sibling for her son Viaan Raj Kundra. No wonder, Samisha indeed is quite special to Shilpa!