Disha Parmar and Rahul Vaidya’s little one Navya is just seven months old but is already winning hearts over social media. The new parents and their adorable munchkin are celebrating their first Ram Navami together. “It’s going to be her first Ram Navami and any festival is always special with her,” adding, “Aur yes festival toh hota hi betiyon ka hai. It is even more special for us. It’s a blessing to have a daughter in your life. Me and Rahul always wanted our first born to be a girl and that happened.”
As she will doll up her daughter in an ethnic outfit for the special day, Parmar recalls her childhood days when she used to go and collect her kanjak in the neighbourhood back in Delhi. “I will get her ready in a suit or lehnga, it is not decided exactly which one yet. I remember my childhood days during Ashtmi and Ram Navmi and going and collecting my kanjak. It was a beautiful time. I will always cherish those days, vo bachpan ke din vaapis aa hi nahi sakte,” the 29-year-old fondly remembers.
However, Parmar also mentions that the festival is not as big in Bombay as it was in Delhi. “Not really, there are not any major family traditions that we follow on Ram Navmi honestly, it’s just the halwa puri chole which is made at home. When I used to live in Delhi, it was a big celebration at home there, and we also had kanjaks at home. But here in Mumbai, it’s not as big. But yes, my mother in law always does pooja at home at any festival and that is a tradition that will continue,” she reveals.
“She’s too small right now to understand anything or us trying to do anything for her. But probably next year, it will be more of a celebration when we can actually teach her everything and explain the meaning of this day,” Parmar further adds.
Sharing her plans about this year, Parmar says, “The halwa, puri and channa have to be there, aur kuch ho na ho. We have our own little kanjak at home. I see Navya going from house to house just like I used to go, not this year because she’s too tiny, but there is always the next year.”