In an interview with Vogue India last year, Alia opened up about the personal journey of a new mom post welcoming Raha in November 2022. Alia describes it as an “ever-evolving, ever-growing process.” She stated that she always wondered what people were thinking about her.She was confused whether they actually think she is managing well, or are they only saying it to placate her. There was a feeling of being critical of herself even if there was no judgment from others. But Alia worked hard on her mental health — she went to therapy every week where she voiced these fears. It helped her to understand that it won’t be easy to figure out such things on day one or five or even ten. She called it an “it’s an ever-evolving, ever-growing process”. She believes everybody has to pick up the pieces of themselves and build anew every day. No one has all the answers or nothing is easy to cope up.
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In a different interview with Barkha Dutt on Mojo, Alia stated that therapy helped her to address her fears and make a definitive guidebook on parenting. She also talked about body image issues. The public scrutiny made her live up to certain expectations and to tick some boxes. She started taking therapy during the lockdown and became more mindful about anxieties about weight and has worked towards tackling them in a healthier manner. The actress started seeing it as a part of hygiene. Taking care of the mind is equally important as going to the gym and taking care of the body. Later she started discovering more things that she is afraid of rather than the weight issue while facing the camera.
Alia and Ranbir married each other in 2022, and they welcomed their daughter, Raha, in 2022.