Govinda surprised fans on Thursday when he attended Krushna’s sister Arti Singh‘s wedding celebrations, thus putting an end to his long-standing feud with her elder brother, Krushna Abhishek. The two actors, who were reportedly involved in a feud spanning eight years, kept their differences aside and came together to celebrate the happy occasion.
Speaking to the media at the wedding celebrations, Govinda showered his blessings upon the couple saying, “Ishvar se praarthana hai, jo kripa Arti par hui hai kisi prakaar ka vastu dosh na lage” (I pray that the divine grace upon Arti protects her from any kind of negativity).”
Govinda looked dashing in a black Jodhpuri as he made a solo appearance at the wedding that saw Arti take the plunge with Dipak Chauhan, a businessman from Navi Mumbai.The couple wed in an intimate ceremony surrounded by their family and close friends. The bride looked gorgeous in a red bridal lehenga, while her husband looked dashing in a white sherwani.
Arti and Dipak hosted a lavish Sangeet ceremony on Wednesday, which was attended by numerous celebrities such as Arbaaz Khan, Ankita Lokhande and her husband Vicky Jain, Mahira Sharma, Yuvika Chaudhary, Bharti Singh, and many others.
Speaking to the media at the wedding celebrations, Govinda showered his blessings upon the couple saying, “Ishvar se praarthana hai, jo kripa Arti par hui hai kisi prakaar ka vastu dosh na lage” (I pray that the divine grace upon Arti protects her from any kind of negativity).”
Govinda looked dashing in a black Jodhpuri as he made a solo appearance at the wedding that saw Arti take the plunge with Dipak Chauhan, a businessman from Navi Mumbai.The couple wed in an intimate ceremony surrounded by their family and close friends. The bride looked gorgeous in a red bridal lehenga, while her husband looked dashing in a white sherwani.
Arti and Dipak hosted a lavish Sangeet ceremony on Wednesday, which was attended by numerous celebrities such as Arbaaz Khan, Ankita Lokhande and her husband Vicky Jain, Mahira Sharma, Yuvika Chaudhary, Bharti Singh, and many others.
Krushna Abhishek on “OMG! Yeh Mera India season 10, inviting Govinda for Arti Singh’s wedding & more