Amidst his busy schedule, Eijaz Khan garnered attention following his breakup with actress Pavitra Punia but has since immersed himself in various projects, including the web series ‘Adrishyam – The Invisible Heroes,’ alongside co-stars Divyanka Tripathi and Shriya Jha.
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Talking to IANS, Eijaz Khan delved into the significance of building genuine connections off-screen to enhance on-screen dynamics, particularly in his collaboration with Shriya Jha.
Reflecting on his experience, Eijaz Khan emphasized the importance of establishing rapport with Shriya Jha before filming commenced. He shared, “I wanted to understand her life, work style, and how she takes on roles. We met once, and I shared about my childhood, dreams, and who I am. It was important for her to know where I come from so we could connect better.”
According to Eijaz Khan, this deeper understanding of each other beyond their characters laid the foundation for a comfortable working environment and facilitated authentic on-screen chemistry. He expressed admiration for Jha, stating, “Working with Shriya has been great; we complement each other’s performances, making our characters deeper.”
‘Adrishyam – The Invisible Heroes’ unfolds as an espionage thriller alongside a talented ensemble cast directed by Anshuman Kishore Singh, including Swaroopa Ghosh, Tarun Anand, Chirag Mehra, Roshnee Rai, Parag Chadha, and Zara Khan.