Anushka Sharma celebrated her birthday on May 1. This birthday will be more special for Anushka as she became a mom for the second time. Virat and Anushka welcomed a baby boy on February 15 and this is the actress’ first birthday after their son ‘Akaay‘ came into their lives. While the actress is currently on a break, she celebrated her birthday with Virat who seems to have made it the most special for her.
Virat dropped a story on Instagram from their dinner on Anushka’s birthday.There was a specially curated menu for Anushka. In black and brown, it was as classy as it gets and it had ‘Celebrating Anushka’ written on it. Virat shared this menu and wrote, “Thank you @manuchandra for an unbelievable dining experience the other night. Hands down one of the best food experiences of our lives.”
Virat dropped a story on Instagram from their dinner on Anushka’s birthday.There was a specially curated menu for Anushka. In black and brown, it was as classy as it gets and it had ‘Celebrating Anushka’ written on it. Virat shared this menu and wrote, “Thank you @manuchandra for an unbelievable dining experience the other night. Hands down one of the best food experiences of our lives.”
On her birthday, Virat had shared some unseen pictures with his lady love with the most heartwarming note. He wrote, “I would have been completely lost if I didn’t find you. Happy birthday my love. You are the light to our world world. We love you so much ❤️❤️❤️”